Kiss Condoms to increase pleasure and protection
Kiss Condoms to increase pleasure and protection
Description:\n\nKiss is a highly lubricated, affordable, quality condom that provides protection against pregnancy and STIs/HIV (Sexually Transmitted Infections/Human Immunodeficiency Virus).\nBenefits:\n\n? Are worn over the penis to prevent pregnancy and lower the risk of STIs/HIV by keeping the sperm inside the condom and out of the vagina\n\n? Are highly lubricated for a smooth sexual experience\n\n? Can be used for oral, anal and vaginal sex\n\n? Ensure STIs/HIV protection for women on other family planning methods (emergency contraceptive pills, daily oral pills, implants, IUDs and diaphragms)\n\n? Come in a flat pillow package that fits perfectly into a wallet for pocket\n\n? 100% electronically tested and manufactured to meet the highest International Quality Standards to provide the ultimate in protection and pleasure.